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Jesús Elizondo en la Texas Association of Mediators Conference

-Eventos sobre Mediación-

Este Viernes 27 de Febrero, el Mtro. Jesús Elizondo, presidente del Colegio de Mediadores de Nuevo León. se presenta en la “Texas Association of Mediators Conference” con el tema “ El Meta-modelo de Negociación que todo Mediador profesional debe manejar con destreza”. Enhorabuena por Don Jesús. Aquí les mostramos un fragmento del programa de la Conferencia donde se explica la participación del Mediador regiomontano.

Session 1.5
Friday, February 27
1:15-2:30 p.m.
Universal Model-Goal in the Negotiation Process
as a Tool for the Professional Mediator

Jesús Elizondo González
A professional mediator needs a model to guide him during the negotiation process. “The Meta-Model” provides a simple and clear map to follow to learn strengths and weaknesses and obtain good settlements. During this presentation, the participant will gain understanding and knowledge in order to interpret any model, style or philosophy related to negotiation. At the same time, the mediator will learn the sequence of steps of the Model-Goal of the universal process of negotiation.

Jesús Elizondo González is a professional mediator trained in Mexico, D.F. in 2002, certified by the judicial department of Nuevo Leon in 2004 and specialized in business, organizational mediation and families. He has been the President of the College of Mediators of Nuevo Leon since 2004 and is President and Founder of the Mediation Center of C.V. in Mexico. He teaches and trains in negotiation at universities and organizations. He received an award from the Mexican government for his work to design and write the Law in Alternative Conflict Resolution.

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Mediación Monterrey

Mediación Monterrey

Mediación Monterrey. Por una regia y pacífica solución. Creador/Coordinador: José Benito Pérez Sauceda. Mediación Monterrey desde 2008.

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